Messier 45 The Pleiades
The Pleiades open star cluster (Messier 45) is one of the closest and most beautiful clusters in the night sky. At magnitude +1.5, the cluster is easily seen in the constellation of Taurus during the fall and winter from northern latitudes. This cluster is only 430 light years distant and is best viewed with binoculars. Because it is so large, for telescopic viewing, a wide field of view & low power eyepiece is needed to see the entire cluster. Mentioned twice in the book of Job, and once in the book of Amos, this cluster has long been recognized by many cultures. It is also known as the Subaru cluster or the Seven Sisters. Although only a handful of stars are visible to the naked eye the entire cluster contains several hundred stars, and many of them are surrounded by swirls of nebulosity (star light reflecting off of gas and dust).
Technical/capture data here.