About Eridanus Observatory
Photos by Paul G. Sugg
Construction of Eridanus Observatory was completed in the spring of 2018. The observatory is situated on a bluff above the beautiful White River in the scenic and historic Ozark mountain town of Calico Rock, Arkansas. Observatory elevation is approximately 143 meters ASL (470’). Sky quality readings are generally around 21.0 mags/sq arc-sec measured at zenith with a Unitron SQML. This is roughly equivalent to a Bortle 4 sky. There is a light dome to the east from the local town, and lesser domes to the north and south.
Why “Eridanus”? Eridanus is a winter-time constellation that starts near the bright star Rigel in the left foot of the constellation Orion and winds its way southward toward the south celestial pole. Its southern most stars are not visible from the observatory. Because of its long, winding path, Eridanus is also known as “the River” - hence the observatory’s name.
Go to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eridanus_%28constellation%29 for more info about the constellation of Eridanus.
Eridanus is a private, amateur astronomical observatory.
Observatory: 12” diameter concrete pier in a SkyShed Pod with PZT.
Scopes: 8” Newtonian reflector, AstroTech 65mm APO refractor, 8” Celestron Edge HD SCT, Orion XX12g Dobsonian
Mounts: Celestron CG5 mount, Orion HDX110 EQ-G mount (EQ8)
Other equipment used for program delivery, outreach programs, and astrophotography.
The observatory provides astronomy programs & stargazing events for school groups, families, church groups, and does outreach for the community all with the goal of proclaiming and affirming the truth of Psalm 19 - “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” Astronomy programs are by special arrangement only by contacting: psugg54@gmail.com.