The Western Veil Nebula & Pickering’s Triangle - Constellation: Cygnus
The remnant of a supernova (stellar) explosion estimated to have occurred 5-8,000 years ago, the Western Veil (NGC 6960) is a segment of the Great Cygnus Loop. There are few visible supernova remnants and the Western Veil is one of the finest. The bright star to the upper right is 52 Cygni. The nebula complex was discovered in 1784 by William Herschel. Outside the bottom of this frame lies the other part of the Veil Nebula complex - the Eastern Veil - which I hope to capture in the future. The distance to the Veil is not precisely known but is estimated to be from 1,400 to 2,600 light years. Full details (camera, gear used, etc.) on the image are available by clicking here: Western Veil & Pickering's Triangle ( PSugg ) - AstroBin